How to Harness the Power of Formulas in Excel Examples

Master the Excel Formula Magic! Unleash the power of data manipulation with essential formula techniques. Boost your productivity and analytical skills.

Excel Formulas for Beginners

how-to-substitute-textHow to Substitute Text for Excel Replacement Formulas.

Mastering Text Manipulation in Excel: Unleashing the Power of SUBSTITUTE Formulas for Dynamic Data Cleansing and HTML Transformation. How to clear string from extra spaces?

how-to-concatenate-two-textsHow to Concatenate Two Texts into One Using Excel Formulas.

How to CONNECT or UNCONNECT two texts? Why do we use the & END operator in formulas and how to use it correctly? Combining text from different cells into one line.

text-functions-upper-lower-propnounText functions in Excel formulas: UPPER, LOWER and PROPNOUN.

A practical example of composing a formula from text functions: LENGTH, RIGHT, LEFT, CAPITAL, LOWER and PROPLAN. How to replace capital letters with small ones?

how-to-create-unit-converter-calculatorHow to Create a Unit Converter Calculator in Excel.

Calculation and conversion of different quantities into the corresponding units of measurement using the CONVERT function. Download a calculator or converter of all quantities: distance, area, volume, weight, etc.

how-to-count-filled-or-empty-cellsHow to Count Filled and Empty Cells in Excel.

Simple formulas to count empty and filled cells with numbers or text values in tables. Examples of working with the functions COUNT, COUNTA and COUNTBLANK.

how-to-round-to-significant-figuresHow to round to significant figures using Excel formula.

How to round whole numbers to a certain number of significant figures using formulas? An example describing the answer to the question: What is a significant figure?

round-to-nearest-multiple-of-thousandExcel Formula for Rounding to Nearest Multiple of Thousand.

Practical examples of formulas using the ROUNDDOWN or ROUNDUP functions. Using a specific example, the cardinal differences and advantages of the functions OKRVER.MAT and OKRVBOTT.MAT are described.

how-to-round-decimal-and-integer-numbersHow to Round Decimal and Integer Numbers in Excel.

Practical examples of correct rounding of numeric values using the ROUND function and its modifications. An example of rounding an integer to hundreds of thousands and tens.

how-to-handle-division-by-zero-errorHow to Handle Division by Zero Error in Excel Using Formulas.

How to remove division by zero error in table cells? The formula for dividing zero by a number and vice versa returns the desired value for the user.

how-to-use-percentages-calculations-in-salesHow to Use Excel for Percentage Calculations in Sales.

Mastering Percentage Calculations in Excel: Adding, Subtracting, and Boosting Sales Strategies. How to Add and Subtract Percentages for sales forecasting.

formulas-for-dynamic-summationExcel formulas for dynamic asset summation in reports.

Optimizing Financial Insights: Mastering Excel Formulas for Dynamic Asset Summation. Useful lifehack for the SUM function in Excel data visualization.

how-to-calculate-percentage-distribution-formulaHow to calculate percentage distribution in Excel with a formula.

Static and dynamic formulas for calculating and calculating percentage distribution from the total amount in Excel. How to divide the total amount into a share for each indicator?

how-to-calculate-percentage-deviationHow to calculate percentage deviation with negative numbers in Excel.

The choice of the correct formula for the accurate calculation of percentage deviations with negative numbers in the numerator or substitute. How to calculate the deviation in a percentage between a negative and positive number?

how-to-use-vlookup-and-match-to-retrieve-dataHow to use VLOOKUP and MATCH to retrieve data in Excel.

Selecting values from a table using a formula combining the VLOOKUP and MATCH functions based on the input criteria of a user search query.

how-to-count-errors-by-codeHow to count and analyze Errors by code in Excel.

Counting the number of cells with all types of errors and with certain types or error codes. Practical application of the logical function ERROR. Track errors in Excel by code.

how-to-split-text-into-multiple-cellsHow to split text into multiple cells in Excel.

Dividing a text string into parts into separate cells using the text functions MID and FIND. Flexible formula for splitting strings into words and more.

how-to-find-value-by-column-and-rowHow to find a value in an Excel table by column and row.

Excel Tips: Learn how to search for values in columns and rows using month names as criteria. Unlock the power of HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions for efficient data analysis.

vlookup-advanced-formula-with-multiple-conditionsVLOOKUP advanced formula with multiple conditions in Excel.

How to perform a simultaneous search across several different tables or non-adjacent ranges of cells on different sheets. Formula for simultaneous use of several VLOOKUP functions.

get-second-duplicate-minimum-or-maximum-valueGet the second duplicate minimum or maximum value in Excel.

Example formulas to get the first, second smallest, or first largest value among duplicate numbers in a table. Download examples with formula templates.

how-to-use-indirect-formula-for-dynamic-linkingHow to use INDIRECT function for dynamic linking in Excel.

An example of using dynamic links on another sheet. Advantages of using INDIRECT function for dynamic linking in Excel. Practical application of the CONCATENATE functions.

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